Deep Darshan Vidhya Sankul, Dindoli has organised the Grand Annual Sports Meet on 10th January,2025 which was officially declared ‘ON Spring’ with much enthusiasm and with the energetic entry of the Rubber Girl of India , Anvi Zanzrukiya who has won many world records on having a flexible physical structure to do any sort of Yoga and is personally attended by the Prime minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi for her extraordinary talent and tireless efforts even after being a special child. The esteemed guests of the honor were Sanjay Singh Rathod- President – Surat Media Welfare Association, Mr. Mukesh Rajput – Editor of Surat Channel, Mr. Rajendrabhai Vasava (Retired Army officer), Mr. Rajnibhai Chavda (Sanitary Sub Inspector), Mr. Jayeshbhai Patel (Director,Madhavbag Vidhyabhavan) and Head Constable Madhvi and Head Constable Varsha- Dindoli Police Station.
DDVS team- GSEB (Gujarati and English Medium)and CBSE used to provide the students a platform to showcase their dynamic , athletic and resilient skills to nurture themselves for further competitions and many more realistic targets to achieve .
By providing such a large platform , Students were given different labels of houses , to prove their athletic skills, they needed to work in a team and to learn to co-operate with each other .
To accomplish the overall execution of the large-scale Annual Sports Meet, school management, Directors – Mr. Dashrath Patel, Mr. Tushar Patel and Educational Advisor Mr. Savji Patel have provided the strong back and all the Principals and Vice-Principals of various sections were on the edge to look after a successful planning, tracking the students’ participation proved to be the base of the event. Teachers who indulged with the students to nurture , to guide and train were appreciated and applauded. Students were too excited to attend the grand ceremonial entries of their house parade and Mashal lighting, cheering others to join them and keep motivating.